The holy stage?

Three simple rules. Sounds simple. Broken one after another, and you wanted her to not worry or to not be scared.

You knew you were a predator, maybe more. You fed her lies, she didn’t wanna believe. You fed her lies and at some point, those were the truth for her. She believed you. She cared. She was a saint and you were her sin.

Three simple rules, simply broken, and now she lives with the dead amongst the living.

First, she wanted to complete her education, you forced her to marry you.

She had the dreams, the ones which everyone dreams of. She had a beauty that captured your attention, didn’t it? You wanted her, didn’t ask her, but you had her hand from her father. Yes, good family was the only thing you came from. But good values weren’t your forte.

Three simple rules, shattered her soul as a whole.

You made her cook food for you in the morning after a late night work out session in some woman’s bed. And you wanted her. You forced her to sleep with you after you smelled of another woman, she didn’t want to do it.

Second rule of hers was to make her parents proud, but how could she make her parents proud by being with an abusive husband who she does cook for. How could she be a good mother when she takes birth control pills to avoid a kid to be born to her beloved husband.

Three simple rules, all were broken at once.

She cried at nights like a cliché that she didn’t want to be, holding her blanket, weeping slowly without making a sound, because she was a rebel too, didn’t want to cry for everyone, only for herself. One thing, just for herself, her tears, no one got that. Just herself.

She would be cooking in the kitchen thinking that yes, she knew this day would come. After all she came happily into this marriage, he was a good person, selfish, but he did care, not anymore, but he did care. She would remember moments back in college where there were guys asking for her time that she had none to spare because she knew her time was limited. Too limited that it was lost all at once in a holy bond.

Third rule was to find love and convince her parents to let her settle. That was out of question, wasn’t it? She wanted to leave, but she had to stay. She didn’t want to upset her parents, so she had to pretend a happy marriage. It’s fun to act, she did think that once, but now her thoughts are more violent, she once thought of how good it would be to poison her husband, he wouldn’t expect it, but didn’t do it because there were these rare moments where he would be like “did you eat?” in the sweetest tone and she had to smile, but maybe she’d smile to pretend that her life was still happy, and he’d feed her a mouth first and then hog the plate, he always loved her cooked food. So she didn’t want to poison him because what if those rare occasions were the day when she would be poisoning him and he’d feed her first, she wanted a escape by him gone, she still hoped to live.

Three simple rules, broken into none. She lived for everyone, where she got none. Staged her life, to perfection, tied to holy matrimony, sinned forever.

~Dipmala, Oct. 8, 2018

{I feel martial rape should be a law sooner than later, because woman actually needs them}

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